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Culinary Arts


In Culinary Arts you will learn all the ins and outs of the restaurant industry. You will cook and eat a lot, learn how to keep everything clean, and sanitary  and how to properly serve people. You also learn how to portion recipes accordingly, understand the concept of making money, and how to properly price the food that you cook.




            Contact Chef LaCoste        





Year 1

  • Culinary Arts can give you the skills necessary to take care of yourself. There are job shadowing opportunities that give you workforce experience and look good on your resume. You also have the opportunity to get a national certification after completing 2 years. The Serve Safe certification is the standard for all restaurant employees saying that you can serve people food without giving food poisoning and can properly cook. They print it out for you, frame it, and when jobs in the restaurant industry see that certification, it will put your resume on top.                
  • The first 6 weeks of the class, you go through a lot of rules, safety, what to do and what not to do, dish cleaning, sanitizing, etc. Then you move into the kitchen doing chapters at a time and working it out with a hands-on experience.

Year 2

  • Year 2 is a lot more hands-on than your first year. You start using the basics that you learned in year 1 and putting them into play. There is more freedom in the kitchen, working with new recipes, and getting the chance to put your own spin on things, etc. You still do the occasional safety protocol checkup.
         "This is a great class, with a great environment, and the greatest Chef to learn from."          -Year 2 student      



McDonaLD's Program

  • It is an internship opportunity where a program completer of their first and second year can get work force experience while also getting paid during their 4th block.
  • To take the McDonalds program you have to have finished 2 years in Culinary Arts being a junior or senior.
  • McDonald's Academy offers a tuition assistance program for college and also scholarship opportunities through the Ronald McDonald House.
  • It is a semester long class, but you can do it the whole year giving you up to 2 credits.






To learn more about the MGCCC Culinary Arts Program click here!





Created by: Manny Custodio class of 2025